I am Madison Lang, a psychic healer and clairvoyant located in Minneapolis Minnesota. As of 5/1/2024, I have completed over 4 years of professional clairvoyant training through Boulder Psychic Institute!

It is my wish to assist those who feel lost in their liminal spaces and bring them back home to their empowerment. It would be an honor to meet you where your soul is at.


My mission statement in present time is to create and hold a safe and supportive space for your healing so you are able to step into agency, embody more of your authentic self, and exist in the magic of the present moment. All of which add to your ability to enjoy and learn from the liminal space you may be in. May our interaction bring about deep transformation, clarity, and release




I am a graduate of Boulder Psychic Institute’s Undergraduate Clairvoyant Training Program, and currently enrolled in a Trance Mediumship advanced track.

During this training, I have solidified many skills such as but not limited to: Aura and Soul Essence reading, Energy Center and Psychic Anatomy reading and healing, Past Life reading, and entity and being communication as well as many other tools that allow me to assist you in healing! The most important feature of my training has been maintaining “clean” psychic encounters. This means that I am not inserting my energy into your energetic space or body so that the healing that occurs is 100% your own and not based on my agenda or perspective.

It is important to me that our session helps release foreign energy (anyone’s energy that isn’t yours) and assists in adding to your energetic and physical agency rather than taking that away from you by sticking my energetic hands in your space. While I am currently trained in “in body psychic healing” I plan on continuing my studies so that I may continuously bring advancement to the experiences I hold space for. I will always offer services that reflect my current skill set- it’s always changing!! Thank you for supporting my growth by allowing me to support your growth.

My Artistic Training

In 2020, I graduated with my BA in Theatre with a complementary minor in Applied Dance studies. During this time, I formed an important relationship with the artistic and spiritual process. I found that the methods which I used for creating an artistic experience for channels like choreography, direction, dramaturgy, and other theatrical performances mirrored the process of reaching out to the unseen and even to energy healing itself. Everything from Witchcraft to the psychic work I do in present time is heavily supported by the artistic process and the tools used with it. Creating and partaking in art is nothing short of a ritual and communication with the divine spirit. 

Because of my artistic training, I create every session with extreme intention. I allow for wild play and daydreaming, I capture the most essential pieces, and I weave them into a process that becomes the session. This allows that I am prepared before the session, that the “space” is set to a tone of support, safety, and one that can hold all of your energetic selves, and that the session flows with the ease and enjoyment of the receiver in mind- even when we are working with difficult themes and wounds. 

My artistic influence has also added to my ability to interpret symbolism which provides me a unique look into interpreting the energetic language of your body, soul, and the world around you. I take a non-fear based approach with communicating what the unseen is trying to tell you, even when that communication is coming through in seemingly dark and disturbing ways. The unseen and energetic world communicates in beautiful and abstract ways and I am excited to use my background to help you connect with their truths. I am passionate about making this communication of the unseen, mystical, and energetic accessible to all those who wish to hear its call.



Aside from my education and psychic training, I have many years of experience with communicating and reaching out to the unseen. I began with Tarot and Oracle back in 2015 and soon expanded to other divination channels as well. I have 7 years of experience with solidifying my own exploration and over 4 years of using divination to read for others. Oracle is still one of my favorite methods of intuitive reading and is a service I recommend greatly for anyone who wishes to be introduced to receiving energetic context to things you are experiencing internally or externally. Along with divination, I have pursued a relationship with the astral realm, underworld, subconscious plains, and the spirits and entities that reside in those realms. My approach has always been to deepen my connection and integration with divinity and the collective spirit so I can assist others in doing the same.

I am an omnist, which means I believe there is truth in every practice or belief in this world and even ones we may not be aware of yet. I am deeply respectful of others beliefs and practices and in no way have an agenda of changing your mind. It is my hope to share what I know and what I read in your energetic space so that you are able to apply it to your own understanding and beliefs.

For those who feel the call: 

For those of you that resonate with my method and training, those that are curious about my work, those of you that are excited about jumping deeper into your self healing, and those of you searching for more of your authentic self, I invite you to work with me. If you feel a pull, it is likely that the healing that both of us would accomplish together has a great cosmic importance. When I assist you in healing, I am also healing myself, and with this work we are adding to the healing of our collective consciousness and this world. I cannot wait to share this with you.  

May those who book services do so within their affinity.