Psychic Services

Session Availability for 1:1 sessions launches every New Moon at 6:00 PM Central Time.



In this session, I will use my clairvoyance and psychic tools to view and assist you to clear out activated and heavy foreign energy from your energetic anatomy (aura, energetic channels, energetic centers, etc). When we clear out other energies that are not our own, we make space for our personal energy to connect to the present moment revealing our truth and self-agency. This is where deep healing comes from. In this session, we can respond to a wide variety of your intentions and requests by tending to the mechanics of your spirit.

Realign, Reactivate, and Remember your unique frequency.

1 hr 10 min - $100



Within our physical body, we hold our consciousness, however, our physical body is not the only vessel for this consciousness. We have multiple bodies that make up our physical and energetic form. Our physical body acts as a container that holds our mental body (which contains our energetic information around our perceived identity, logic, skills, and education), emotional body (which holds info on our past and current emotions and processing), and astral body (which holds our spiritual soul information). Ideally, all of these bodies fit together with our consciousness resting peacefully in the center. Because these bodies hold information, they can also store foreign energy and conditioning that makes it difficult for these bodies to perform their functions and work together, this creates what is commonly known as mind/body disconnect. This session works on healing and clearing out each one of these etheric bodies, the physical body included, so that all of you is able to work together in harmony- in the physical realm AND in the astral realm (where you dream). 

This session is designed for those experiencing major disconnection in mind as well as those who are having trouble dreaming and sleeping peacefully. Let's tune up your etheric bodies and prepare you to jump into your physical journeys and dream journeys with ease, agency, and grace.

1 hr 30 min - $130


The Silent River

Turn the lights on in your body, bring flow back to your energetic channels, and receive space for your physical body/ spirit to unwind. The Silent River is a session that prioritizes getting into the felt sense of your body while high-frequency, channeled vibrations tend to anything in the way of your fluidity. During this session, we will chat about your intention before encouraging you to get cozy for the rest of the time while I silently move energy in your body. I will softly awaken you at the end of our time, to go over the summary of what occurred during the experience.

This session is great for: physical body recovery, emotional recovery, recharging after burnout, receiving care when you are fed up with all of the noise, and anything else that you want to surrender to.

1 hr 10 min- $80

Energetic Anatomy: Creative Containers

A healing session completely devoted to the things you make.

Your business, social media, live event, creative project, show, or anything that is a creative extension of you.

Just like humans have our own built-in energetic protection ( our aura layers) and our generators and movers of flow (energy centers and channels) our creative work does too! Just like our energy can be impacted and harmed by entangled dynamics, past wounding, or foreign energy, so too can our creative projects. When we untangle our energy from the work and validate the creation’s separate energy, we give ourselves more permission to be neutral and free during its creation execution. With this freedom, we also give this creative project the best chance to be the size, frequency, and receptive capacity that it can be beyond perceived/projected limitations! Prepare to expand, be seen, and illuminate with your creative work by tending to the energetic anatomy of your creative project and your relationship to it.

1 hr 30 min - $150