May those who book services do so within their highest good and the good of the universe.

What is Psychic Healing?

Psychic healing is the process of guiding your awareness and psychic anatomy to release “negative” foreign energy within your energetic space while allowing any beliefs and conditioning that enabled that energy to shed so that we can address and heal the core wound below. This could address so many things but here are some examples: Release stagnant energy and heal the wound that is comforted by it, clear mental fog or resistance around a choice or decision, locate the seed of a specific shame or guilt and open up to the truth it is hiding from you, open up your ability to receive your manifestations, halt patterns and narratives of suffering, address the energetic implications of pain in your physical body, and so much more. The possibilities for healing are truly endless as our energetic space holds so much information about our life, our perceptions of life, and our role in creating both.

In-body psychic healing:

This kind of psychic healing indicates that both the recipient and the psychic are seated in their own bodies as souls. This means that when I am reading and even guiding you through energetic healing, that we are both in our bodies when doing so. This kind of healing allows me to be present and quick with my communication as all of my consciousness energy is seated peacefully in my body while I look and address yours on my psychic reading screen in my third eye. From this position, I am able to use universal and energetic tools to ground, clear, and fill up your energetic space to your highest good!

What do I do to receive?

This is a great question and one I get so often. It is ingrained within our culture that we have to do something or behave in the right way to receive just about anything. I am here to tell you there is no right way. You are not required to meditate, to sit still, to have your eyes closed, or even focus on the session if that is stressful on your body. I recommend you participate in the session in whatever way feels the most comfortable for you. I do recommend being in an environment that makes you feel safe and supported (this is deeply subjective to you) so that you feel comfortable enough to allow the healing to go where It needs to. Some of my clients enjoy light music and a dim atmosphere where they can bliss out and receive while some prefer to be in a brightly lit space to take notes and casually receive. The tone is truly set by you. If you would like to discuss this with me before the session, I invite you to email me so we can put your worries or fears aside and create the perfect healing space for you. You are able to receive however you are in this present moment and I am able to meet you there. There is no wrong way to receive.

Session Outline:

Before our sessions, you will receive some emails with more info on your specific service as well as a reminder email of your scheduled time. When the time for your session has arrived, I will call the number you provided and greet you warmly! We will chat for a moment to get you comfortable and provide a brief intro to the service. I will then ask you about your intentions / focuses for this session before I ask your consent to begin! I will ask you to say your name three times to assist me to read your energetic space. From there, I will guide you into a relaxed state and we will begin our reading or healing work! I do my best to ensure that we create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere that emphasizes the fact that you are guiding the healing. It is my goal for you in these moments of deep release and often vulnerability that you feel seen, supported, and empowered. After the session we will debrief a moment before saying goodbye!

What can I expect after a Psychic Healing Session?

Expect integration. Often when we do healing work, we are absorbing it through our energetic body, there is a period of integration as that work begins to drip down into the physical body and physical world. This is known more commonly as a growth period. Similarly to how your bones may ache when you begin a growth spurt, post-healing integration often has you face the themes we worked on during the healing session in a final act to release them. This is your physical body and world matching the healing vibration that we brought into your energetic body! This could mean some heavy heart feelings after a big session on self image or receiving love as you release the last remnants of the conditioning or foriegn energy that we cleared. Matching that high vibrational energy can often purge some physical sensations as well. Some of us after a psychic healing session find ourselves feeling tired and needing rest, some of us experience deep emotional release, and some may encounter having to face our triggers in a physical way that is outside of ourselves, these are all fantastic indicators that you are deep in your integration and growth period! Just know that on the other side of your growth period there is mental spaciousness, perception expansion, and the opportunity for divine self acceptance. It is worth it. Sometimes your growth period is filled with so much ease and grace and you wake up feeling like the last piece of the puzzle has clicked in. If this is the case for you, enjoy that beautiful feeling!

Growth periods can be spicy but they can also be incredibly sweet and pleasurable. Both experiences are valid and powerful ways of integrating the psychic healing work! Trust that your body is doing what it needs to as you bring the healing energy in. If you have any questions about the growth period that you are experiencing, I would be happy to answer them and provide support via email.



Energy work can be intense, for your safety and for the safety of others around you, please do not operate machinery, use weapons or knives, or drive during your session.

If you are over 30 minutes late to your session I will consider this a cancelation of your service. I am always happy to reschedule when it is possible, but I am not responsible for you missing your session. Cancelations will be refunded or rescheduled on request. 

I am not a mental health professional, while I am able to hold space for you to release and process pain, I am not able to diagnose or provide complete treatment for your mental health conditions. I always recommend receiving mental health assistance as well as energetic and spiritual methods. While energy work is fantastic it is not a cure all and I wish to be transparent about that. If you feel you are in danger please seek out a mental health professional.



We are all unique and receive healing differently. There is no guarantee of how your soul will receive any of these healings. Please be aware that the way your body receives the healing may look different than the way someone else’s body receives the healing. All ways of integration, yes even uncomfortable ones, are valid and important.

Free will reigns over all. You are ultimately the one that determines how you integrate a healing or how you act after you have received a session. I am not liable for the choices you make before, during, or after a session. Know that you are the one that holds the power when it comes to your life experiences.