PORTALS: Doorways to Energetic Understanding

This lesson is a continuation of what was discussed in Basic I and Basic II. I encourage you to participate with those Portals before you begin as the tools will be a foundation for this more intermediate practice. But you do you!


Feel it to Heal is a radical response to our culture’s resistance to the flow of our emotional and metaphysical energy. In moments where the body needs to feel the most, we are often encouraged into avoidance. Over time, this resistance can create deep energetic stagnancy in our bodies. Stagnancy can turn into physical body heaviness, a lower tolerance to life, and even disconnect you from your energetic system entirely. Many of us were not given the tools or permission to feel these emotions and energies that will ultimately free us. It is my intention to show you that the emotions that rise in your body are evidence of what we are capable of healing and not what we must repress and suppress. Our emotions and vibrations of release are all moving us toward our greater healing and connection. There are many avenues of support in this realm, and it is my desire to provide you with energetic tools to add to your current healing arsenal. Set the space, enter your body, and feel to heal through these next Portals. 


Open yourself up to energetic theory and practice by diving through these digital doorways. A DIY at your own pace lesson of energetic modalities to help you become more embodied and aware in your healing and human experience. Informative written guides paired with immersive meditations to use as tools to expand and inspire your own personal practice. 

These portals were created to serve a past version of myself that was hungry for knowledge, perspective, empowerment, and self-agency. The process of creating resources that past me would have loved has been deeply touching my desire to serve and be helpful to those struggling to find enjoyment and peace in this life. These doorways have been potent for transforming my own awareness and I hope they will be for you too. These portals are for individuals just starting their self-awareness and energy awakening journeys and those deep on the path looking to widen their ability to receive the work.  

Take a deep breath… and dive in. 

Me and my inner teen will see you there.

  • Basics I - $8.88

    Through this portal, we will be establishing the basics of energy healing and awareness through a written lesson and guided meditations. Through this portal, you will get to practice connecting with your energy of our aura and physical spaces to intentionally shift them to invite more self-acceptance, ease, and agency to better hold our experiences of pain, stress, or discomfort. It is my intention that we all grow more in tune with our space beyond our physical body and begin to validate that we are able to create our experiences in these spaces, no matter what the external experience may be.

    What’s inside? 14 page guidebook and 22 minutes of guided mediations

    ☆ Self Agency

    ☆ Foreign energy

    ☆ Energetic Anatomy- Your Aura

    ☆ Energetic Anatomy- Grounding Connection

    ☆Energetic Anatomy: Physical Spaces

    。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process: Healing and Setting Personal Spaces 。・゚・

    。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process: Healing and Setting Your Aura 。・゚・

  • Basics II - $8.88

    In this portal, we will be continuing to build upon our Basic energetic awareness through a deeper understanding of common types of foreign energy. Learn to spot foreign energy, collect info about how it affects your energetic space, upgrade your capabilities to soothe the experiences they may create, AND learn to heal them. Beginning the process of releasing other people’s energy that crowds our own opens our ability to return back to our divine truth and all of our internal freedom and compassion. It is my intention that we realize how capable we are of releasing experiences of resistance, invalidation, and expectations that are not our own to reconnect with self- finally hearing our own voice in the darkness.

    What’s Inside? 20 page guidebook and 25 minutes of guided meditation

    ☆ How to spot Foreign Energy

    ☆ Time, Space, and Presence and why they are important

    ☆Should Energy + Introductions to your headspace energetic anatomy

    ☆ Expectation Energy + calling out foreign energies from your space

    ☆ Resistance Energy + calling In supportive energies to your space

    。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written process for healing the headspace 。・゚・

    。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for calling out foreign energies。・゚・

    。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for filling in with helpful energies to soothe and heal. 。・゚・

  • Feel it to Heal it: Grief and Loss - $15.15

    In this Portal, I will be discussing how we energetically experience grief and loss and things we can do to soothe ourselves when we feel this energy in our bodies.

    Content warning- death is discussed. Please interact with this portal when you are in a safe enough body space to read about the possible energetic mechanics of death and loss.

    This lesson is a continuation of what was discussed in Basic I and Basic II. I encourage you to participate with those Portals before you begin as the tools will be a foundation for this more intermediate practice. But you do you!

    What’s inside? 14 page guidebook and 30 minutes of guided meditations




    。・゚・ Guided Meditation + Written Process: Healing the Present Through Healing the Past 。・゚・

    。・゚・ Written Process: Running your “Release” energy 。・゚・

    。・゚・ Guided Meditation + Written Process: Unmatching from Departed Spirits and Holding Space for Communication。・゚・