Childhood Roots of Liminal Station

The Liminal Station was created for the younger version of myself who was terrified of my own psyche. Every space I had for rest was filled with fear and discomfort. I would always listen to music to drown out the evening thoughts but after a while, the songs lost their punch. I switched to any and every free YouTube sleep meditation I could find. Anything to redirect me from this fear and into a more peaceful visual and story. 

I found solace in other’s words which became my visual container that allowed me moments of release. One time in high school, I found this sleep meditation for depression, my personal brand of suffering lol, which was set to the story of a train ride. I was so immersed in the sounds and the textures that I forgot momentarily of what I was avoiding. As we switched between vehicles, I was prompted to build compassion for myself and reflect on what was hurting me in softer ways. 

Over time my ability to visualize the experience grew, and suddenly I was really able to BE in it. I was sensing the finer details and really stepping energetically into the space. Starting at my house, entering the car that was picking me up, to the train station where I heard the bustling, and then into my private train car where I prepped for sleep. The energy of travel and transportation gave me a sense of movement where I felt eternally stuck. Here I found initial rest and eventually, I rediscovered my sense of nonphysical exploration. After countless hours and nights listening to this same track, I started to let go of the narrative and explore my own things. Go to different places unprompted, find a new train car, and see a different destination. Then something magical happened.

 I started feeling restricted and cramped by the words. I got bored. I felt safe enough to be bored! I felt a desire to have a more open-ended space for my exploration so I could fully go where my brain needed me to go. I didn't realize it at the time but this was massive evidence of growth and the budding of my intuitive journey. With the solid container of this meditative experience, I strengthened myself and I became someone who chose to dive into and explore the visions and fears that kept me up all night. 

When I was presented with an abstract and spooky environment, I stepped into it with curiosity instead of resisting it. After fearing the nonphysical performances of my psyche for years, I had had enough of the avoiding and the attempts to block it out. I desired to know, to connect, and to see it was communicating. I would open the pounding door, dig up the fresh grave, and talk to the figure that was looming over me. My fear was always still present but melted as I continued to move with it and gather information. The door had nothing but space behind it, from the fresh grave emerged my first buried memory, and the figure wasn’t as scary as they made it out to be. 

After a while, I realized that choosing to interact with these environments created energetic and physical resolve in my body. Not only was I becoming more brave and discovering more about myself energetically but physically as well. I noticed less unnecessary daily fear. This is when I really realized what I was capable of. Participating with my abstract visuals and stories gave me a new way to relate to and interact with my spirit. It showed me that I could have a hand in releasing what I thought was impossible to let go. 

I could plant flowers, build a warm fire, and reclaim even the most desolate part of my psyche. Suddenly the nightly imagined visuals and dreams were no longer meaningless abstract inflammations of my fear but a channel to move deeper into unity with myself. I climbed fear mountain, I explored the mind desert, I swam in the bottomless lake. I found more myself there as I went. 

Liminal Station is a gratitude letter to this version of myself who carved out energetic journey work on my own- with no guidance or framework. I will say I did it the hard way, but I have no regrets about my slow journey to come into my mind's eye and dance with my fear. Diving into yourself can be tough stuff, using your energetic senses initially can feel daunting, and it is my pleasure to be the strong encouraging force that holds a safe space for you through this exploration. 

Liminal Station is a nonphysical transportation technology for all of those with “overactive imaginations”, for all of those who fear their internal visuals/communications, and for those who would like more permission to explore themselves in an abstract, nonlinear way. This experience is not a curse but the doorway to one of our greatest psychic tools. 

Here we increase the amount of info we can receive from ourselves, experience the changes we can make in our system, and strengthen our ability to move through energetic fear. 

The roots of Liminal Station run deep into my child self’s psyche. Selfishly, I am so excited to show them how far we have come and how safe we feel in our own body and spirit now. It is my hope that we get to create that together as well. 


The Route: Find Your Center