The Route: Find Your Center

Liminal Station’s First Route 12/6-2/28

“Find your center” is often flippantly stated as a solution and not often mechanically demonstrated or understood. How do you do that? What does finding your center actually feel like? How can I find my center when I feel like I haven't done it effectively before? These are valid questions to ask yourself. No, finding your center is not a myth, but I believe there are more components to this than just “feeling” into the center of your body. 

To me, finding your center means anchoring into your spine and reconnecting with all of the energy centers along the way, clicking you back into their information and movement. But often when we do this we get thrown right back out or experience discomfort when we reconnect. The more I observe this, the more I become aware that finding your center only feels pleasurable and centering when we are able to have energetic agency within the energy centers that we connect to. Sometimes these centers can become riddled with foreign energy that when we do connect to them we are immediately bombarded by the disjointed energy and false truth that hangs out there. Cue more avoidance and disconnection. Not many want to be connected to that and I literally do not blame them. Who would want to be centered when being centered means rooting into energy that isn't yours? NO ONE! This is why being centered is more complex than first appearances and why being uncentered is actually a protection tool of the body. 

Sometimes being uncentered is the reason we can continue on in a peaceful (or perhaps just blank) state. Look for this in your dissociation symptoms, your feelings of disconnection within your body, and general non-awareness. Yeah, these things suck, but often they are trying to keep us from something that sucks more: the presence of someone’s energy who hurt us, the belief that we aren’t good enough, that sharp evidence of betrayal that happened long ago. The energy centers are very absorbent to the energy others may impose on us, and this is what we often brush up against when we are trying to “find our center”. Cue the resistance, difficulty, and dissatisfaction. 

Do you have more compassion for yourself now if you struggle to find your center? I sure hope so. Validate yourself for all of the disconnections and attempts at reconnection thus far. On this Route, we are going to clear the path so we can each experience what it means to “find our center” in the present time.  Cue more feelings of flow, expansion, and fulfillment. 

It is my intention that this route takes you deeper into your anchoring energy centers where we will release foreign energy keeping you disconnected and practice inhabiting them with our Energetic Agency[1]. Release, Reinhabit, Recenter. 

Your Route Stops 

The Head Center: Our point of highest, clear, neutral awareness. Here we are closest to our spiritual truth while still being deeply rooted in the body. Think of this energy center as the lookout tower of your whole system. From this perspective, we see a situation, experience, or person fully when we are in energetic agency. When this center is unbalanced, we may struggle to see clearly at all, intuitively or figuratively. This can happen when this center is filtered by the past or disrupted by the presence of some energy that would rather you not be so clear and knowing. At this stop, we will tend to all of the anatomies in this area and take you on a Psychic Sightseeing trip to make a home for yourself at the peak of your awareness. 

Here we reclaim our place of spiritual and physical knowingness and position ourselves so we can receive the blessings and support we are asking for. It all comes down through the head. 

The Heart Center: Our home for our attraction and havingness[2]. The heart is the part of our body that sends out a beacon for what we are magnetizing to us and is the receiver of what is on the other end. This is your manifestation station- where we connect to when we create, work on, and receive what we ask for. When this center is unbalanced, we may struggle to magnetize fully because our heart is just not in it, we struggle to think we are really worth what is calling to us, and project heaps of effort into the process. When there is the presence of others' energy in your heart space, your attraction may be hindered by echoes of nonsupport and projections about what you are capable of. Here we operate from those foreign energies and bring in perfectionism, excess density, and conditions on our receiving “ I can only get this when I look like ~that~” etc. At this stop we will release all of the foreign energies in your heart space and take you on a Psychic Sightseeing trip to your abundant gardens. Here we reclaim our attraction and expand to receive what is in alignment with us. 

The Gut Center:  Our Home for our filtration and power. The gut is where nutrients get sorted and the most essential are turned into power. Here we often process and release energy stored in the rest of the body to become more concentrated with our own. In the Gut, we collect the resources that fuel our will and action and connect with our body’s constant flow of movement. When this center is unbalanced things can feel stagnant in the system, lack is present, and we struggle to sort our energy out from the rest. Total energetic constipation! At this stop, we will release any blockages to this center’s flow and clear our filters so we can receive more power through them. We will also be going on a Psychic Sightseeing adventure through our internal rapids demonstrating how you can ride through your most intense energetic releases. Here we remind ourselves just how capable our body is of releasing and generating energy. 

Regardless if you are a centering pro or someone who is unsure if centering is even possible for you yet (it is hehe) this Route is designed to expand your capabilities to sit in your center with ease. Come for the enjoyment, come for the healing, come for the psychic sightseeing, come because you would love to feel more centered, all are welcome on this journey. 

May those who embark on this journey do so in their affinity and divine timing.

[1] For more on Energetic Agency and how to use this framework for yourself see Portal I on 

[2] Havingness: a nonphysical space that represents our beliefs about what we can have/ receive, how much, and how we go about getting it. Ex: do you have to change to receive? Do you have to be perfect? Are there unnecessary conditions etc…


Childhood Roots of Liminal Station


“fake it till you make it” is part of the part of the problem.