On Affinity

We are always riding and realigning with our affinity.

Affinity you know, 

That pull from your heart 

The click when something fits just right 

That right place, right time feeling 

This is a vibration we experience when we are aligned with ~ something ~ 

One must not get confused though, there is no black-and-white to this concept. 

No complete “on” or “off” affinity 

(And truly when we look at our lives from a wide lens even when we are not living in our affinity- the journey is likely to be in affinity. This is how we learn to recognize affinity.) 

But a spectrum of degrees on how close we are riding that wave of the heart. 

Some lifestyle choices can be more in our affinity than others 

Some colors can be more in our affinity than others 

Some relationships can be more in affinity than others 

There is no one set standard of affinity just like there isn’t a set standard for what individual hearts love to receive. 

That means your affinity is uniquely yours

sure people can know you and guess what is in your affinity- maybe they can get close 

But really, only you can know its language, decipher its codes, and feel that pulsing alignment rushing through your body. 

Only you can ride your wave of affinity. 

There are many things that may have us question our affinity 

Expectations from others 

Learned beliefs of what we can or can’t have in this life 

Others imposing their affinity on to you 

Social conditioning attempting to fit us in nice capitalistic benefiting boxes 

And these things can even have us abandon our affinity in general- giving up a life that lights us up for a life that we must live. Should live. 

But why is nothing going right? Why do we feel so distant from ourselves? Why does it suck?

Because we are living an affinity that isn’t ours to live.

We came on this journey (the earth journey) to ride this wave of ~our~ heart. 

To learn to hear it, to open to the possibilities and the mundane abundance found in every corner with affinity. 

And to begin to hear this- we must learn to listen for the signs our heart is telling us when affinity is nowhere to be found. 

I’m seeing the image of Sisyphus- straining to push the boulder up a mountain only for it to roll down once again 

I’m seeing the eternal furrowed brow, down-turned mouth, and resentment brewing in the inner caldron (gut) 

I’m seeing the continuous patterns of life getting in the way of interacting with this ~thing~ that holds little affinity. 

Likely we will keep feeling the discomfort, 

Maneuvering through the roadblocks, and pushing our boulder until…

  1. We recognize and decide it’s time to change 

  2. Divine intervention (redirection). 

Neither option is the more preferred or moral option. One is not more right than the other. 

Both catalysts send waves of validation deep into the body by saying 

“this cannot continue anymore- seek from the heart” 

And you will. And you do. Again and again. 

And suddenly that feeling returns to your body- the gentle flow that encourages you to follow. 

Where will it lead you? You can only know if you bravely walk its golden path. 

Where you least expect it, I suspect. 

So when a food starts to rumble your tummy in uncomfortable ways 

When it feels like a death of self to walk into an environment 

When your body is screaming no with a group of people 

When a piercing keeps falling out for “no reason” (this is me currently) 

Smile, put your hands on your heart, and begin the process of letting go. 

Then cup and outstretch your hands with your eyes closed (receiving and surrendering) 

And tell your body, heart, and soul that you are listening 

That you are ready 

That you are willing to carefully decipher the cues of that golden affinity to lead you to where you are meant to be. 

The road may be hard- affinity doesn’t always mean ease- but I guarantee you

You will find pleasure.

You will walk within your truth. 

You will light up like the sun. 

And you will show others they are worth seeking their affinity too. 

Go now, 

Your heart is calling. 


“fake it till you make it” is part of the part of the problem.


Connection is the Core