Portal II


Basics II

In this portal, we will be continuing to build upon our Basic energetic awareness through a deeper understanding of common types of foreign energy. Learn to spot foreign energy, collect info about how it affects your energetic space, upgrade your capabilities to soothe the experiences they may create, AND learn to heal them. Beginning the process of releasing other people’s energy that crowds our own opens our ability to return back to our divine truth and all of our internal freedom and compassion. It is my intention that we realize how capable we are of releasing experiences of resistance, invalidation, and expectations that are not our own to reconnect with self- finally hearing our own voice in the darkness.

What’s Inside? 20 page guidebook and 25 minutes of guided meditation

☆ How to spot Foreign Energy

☆ Time, Space, and Presence and why they are important

☆Should Energy + Introductions to your headspace energetic anatomy

☆ Expectation Energy + calling out foreign energies from your space

☆ Resistance Energy + calling In supportive energies to your space

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written process for healing the headspace 。・゚・

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for calling out foreign energies。・゚・

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for filling in with helpful energies to soothe and heal. 。・゚・

Unlock the Portal

Basics II

In this portal, we will be continuing to build upon our Basic energetic awareness through a deeper understanding of common types of foreign energy. Learn to spot foreign energy, collect info about how it affects your energetic space, upgrade your capabilities to soothe the experiences they may create, AND learn to heal them. Beginning the process of releasing other people’s energy that crowds our own opens our ability to return back to our divine truth and all of our internal freedom and compassion. It is my intention that we realize how capable we are of releasing experiences of resistance, invalidation, and expectations that are not our own to reconnect with self- finally hearing our own voice in the darkness.

What’s Inside? 20 page guidebook and 25 minutes of guided meditation

☆ How to spot Foreign Energy

☆ Time, Space, and Presence and why they are important

☆Should Energy + Introductions to your headspace energetic anatomy

☆ Expectation Energy + calling out foreign energies from your space

☆ Resistance Energy + calling In supportive energies to your space

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written process for healing the headspace 。・゚・

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for calling out foreign energies。・゚・

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for filling in with helpful energies to soothe and heal. 。・゚・

Basics II

In this portal, we will be continuing to build upon our Basic energetic awareness through a deeper understanding of common types of foreign energy. Learn to spot foreign energy, collect info about how it affects your energetic space, upgrade your capabilities to soothe the experiences they may create, AND learn to heal them. Beginning the process of releasing other people’s energy that crowds our own opens our ability to return back to our divine truth and all of our internal freedom and compassion. It is my intention that we realize how capable we are of releasing experiences of resistance, invalidation, and expectations that are not our own to reconnect with self- finally hearing our own voice in the darkness.

What’s Inside? 20 page guidebook and 25 minutes of guided meditation

☆ How to spot Foreign Energy

☆ Time, Space, and Presence and why they are important

☆Should Energy + Introductions to your headspace energetic anatomy

☆ Expectation Energy + calling out foreign energies from your space

☆ Resistance Energy + calling In supportive energies to your space

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written process for healing the headspace 。・゚・

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for calling out foreign energies。・゚・

。・゚・ Guided Meditation and Written Process for filling in with helpful energies to soothe and heal. 。・゚・